효성티앤씨, 친환경에 ‘한 발짝 더’
효성티앤씨, 친환경에 ‘한 발짝 더’ - 북미 페트 칩 생산 선도기업 루프인더스트리, 에코 패션 브랜드 플리츠마마와 협업 - 기존 소재인 투명 폐트병 대신 폐섬유로 페트 칩 만들어 원사 뽑아내고 가방 제작까지 - 김치형 대표, “고객의 지속 가능성 목표 달성 지원하고 차세대 친환경 솔루션 확대” 효성티앤씨가 루프인더스트리, 플리츠마마와 함께 폐섬유에서 원사를 뽑아내 가방을 제작했다.3사는 기존에 주로 사용되어온 소재인 투명 페트병 대신 폐섬유를 재활용해 페트(PET) 칩을 만들고 폴리에스터 원사를 뽑아낸데 더해 패션 제품까지 제작함으로써 친환경 솔루션 분야에서 한 발짝 더 앞서가게 됐다. 효성티앤씨, 루프인더스트리·플리츠마마와 3자 협업 효성티앤씨는 캐나다 페트 칩 생산 기업 루프인더스트리사(社), 국내 에코 패션 브랜드 플리츠마마와 협업해 친환경 가방을 제작했다고 24일 밝혔다. 스위스 러닝화 브랜드 ‘온(On)’, 프랑스 화장품 브랜드 ‘록시땅(L’Occitane)’ 등 유명 브랜드와의 협업을 통해 자원 순환 역량을 강화해온 루프인더스트리는 이번 효성티앤씨와의 협업을 통해 폴리에스터 섬유 생산에도 기여하게 됐다. 루프인더스트리는 북미 지역에서 의류 원사나 플라스틱 용기의 원재료가 되는 페트 칩 개발과 생산을 선도하는 기업이다. 페트 칩의 주요 소재는 투명 페트병이지만, 루프인더스트리는 투명 폐트병 외에 섬유를 포함한 다양한 페트 폐기물을 100% 화학적으로 재활용해 고품질의 페트 칩을 생산한다. 효성티앤씨는 이번에 루프인더스트리가 폐섬유 폴리에스터로 만든 페트 칩, 일명 ‘텍스타일 리사이클(T2T: Textile to Textile)’ 칩을 활용해 폴리에스터 원사를 뽑아냈고, 플리츠마마는 이 원사를 활용해 심미성과 실용성을 겸비한 친환경 가방을 디자인하고 제작했다. 탄소 저감 효과 큰 T2T 칩으로 생산한 원사로 패션 제품 제작 이번 협업은 탄소 저감 효과가 뛰어난 T2T 재활용 기술을 바탕으로 ‘원료 공급-원사 가공-패션 제품 제작’ 공급망을 완성했다는 점에서 의의가 크다. 막대한 섬유 폐기물을 소각하고 매립하는 과정에서 배출되는 탄소는 전 세계적으로 심각한 골칫거리가 되어왔다. 루프인더스트리는 폐 폴리에스터를 소각·매립장으로 보내는 대신 높은 품질의 페트 칩으로 재탄생시킴으로써 섬유 폐기물 문제를 완화하는 동시에 글로벌 섬유 산업에 지속 가능한 대안을 제시했다. 루프인더스트리의 T2T 칩은 화석연료에서 생산되는 페트 칩에 비해 온실가스 배출량을 최대 80%, 에너지 소비량을 최대 91% 줄이는 것으로 조사됐다. 김치형 대표, “차세대 친환경 솔루션 확대” 효성티앤씨는 이번 협업으로 리사이클 섬유 시장 활성화는 물론 의류 폐기물에서부터 리사이클 제품 생산에 이르는 진정한 의미의 자원 순환을 통해 친환경 섬유 시장 리더로서의 입지를 강화할 수 있을 것으로 기대하고 있다. 김치형 효성티앤씨 대표이사는 “자원 순환 경제는 효성티앤씨가 지속 가능한 소재 리젠을 중심으로 가장 선도적으로 리드하고 있는 분야”라며, 이번 협업을 통해 고객의 지속 가능성 목표 달성을 지원하고 차세대 친환경 솔루션을 더욱 확대할 계획”이라고 말했다.(끝)
Ambercycle and Hyosung TNC Join Forces to Scale Decarbonized, Circular Polyester
Sustainable fiber manufacturer Hyosung TNC is partnering with Ambercycle, an innovator of textile-to-textile circular polyester material, to advance the commercialization of this decarbonized material innovation. Seoul, South Korea, and Los Angeles, California, June 12, 2024 — Hyosung TNC, one of the world’s leading sustainable textile solutions providers, has partnered with Ambercycle, a leading material science company, to become the first manufacturer in South Korea to introduce a textile-to-textile, circular polyester into supply chains. The collaboration advances the partners’ shared vision of a circular textile ecosystem that repurposes end-of-life products into high-performing fibers for brands looking to curb their environmental impact. The partnership will tap Hyosung’s 58 years of advanced fiber manufacturing capabilities and nearly two decades of experience producing high-quality, sustainable textiles to support the integration of Ambercycle’s circular polyester material, cycora®, into brand supply chains. “Our collaboration with Ambercycle is another important step we are taking to help our customers meet their sustainability goals and scale solutions that both present and future generations can enjoy,” said Chi Hyung Kim, CEO, Hyosung TNC. “We’re impressed with cycora® for its quality but also for its potential to divert tons of textile waste from landfills and incinerators and reduce the extraction of raw materials used in the production of virgin polyester.” Based in Los Angeles, Ambercycle is rapidly scaling cycora®, a regenerated polyester chip that meets the spinnability standards of virgin materials and outperforms other recycled materials, according to testing by the European Center for Innovative Textiles (CETI), a leading research institute. Ambercycle’s trailblazing molecular regeneration technology will add to a growing portfolio of circular solutions manufactured by Hyosung TNC, the company behind regen™, a global premier recycled fiber brand. Developed at its research and development center, Hyosung was the world’s first company to develop regen™ nylon from discarded fishing nets in 2007 and achieved another significant milestone by becoming the first company to globally receive the Global Recycled Standard (GRS) certification for its recycled regen™ polyester. The company was also the first to introduce RCS-certified 100% recycled regen™ spandex in 2020, and USDA, SGS-certified bio-based spandex made from partly renewable resources in 2021. “The fashion industry is searching for accessible, high-quality circular solutions. This partnership is a testament to that demand and an important step to ramp up the production of cycora® and make it easier for brands to source regenerated materials for their fashion lines. We’re closely aligned with Hyosung on both our high-quality standards and our commitment to circularity, so we are thrilled to have them as a partner in our commercialization journey,” says Shay Sethi, CEO of Ambercycle. About Ambercycle Ambercycle is powering circularity in fashion. Established in 2015, this Los Angeles-based company is revolutionizing the fashion industry with its award-winning molecular regeneration technology. cycora® regenerated polyester is the company’s first premium material solution made from end-of-life textiles. Driven by the vision to improve humanity’s relationship with materials, Ambercycle is minimizing the impact of raw material extraction on our environment and paving the way to decarbonize fashion. About Hyosung TNC Hyosung TNC is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung TNC is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its CREORA® Spandex and regen™ brands. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Hyosung is a proud Textile Exchange Partner-level Member and Ocean Protection member. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates. Hyosung TNC can also be found on Instagram @hyosung_textiles and on LinkedIn at Hyosung Performance Textiles.
Hyosung TNC Invests $1 Billion in Future “Bio” Business
Hyosung TNC to establish a new Bio-BDO (Butanediol) 50,000 ton factory in Vietnam with plans to expand future plants to an annual output of 200,000 tons Replacing fossil raw materials with those from sugarcane, entering the bio raw material market Applications across various industrial sectors including textiles (PTMG, a raw material for spandex), engineering plastics, and biodegradable plastics, etc. Upon completion, it will be the world’s first fully-integrated production system for bio-spandex “from raw material to fiber” The future plants will be powered by Geno, US-based sustainable materials and technology leader, further unlocking deployment of its GENO BDO™ technology at scale Geno’s proven technology enables Hyosung TNC to fast track their project and unlocks the production and selling of Bio-BDO with an annual capacity of 50,000 tons in the first half of 2026. A rapidly changing marketplace with focus on sustainable fiber – proactively responding with a differentiated value proposition of superior sustainability Chairman Hyun-Joon Cho states, “The bio business will become a core pillar of Hyosung for the next 100 years. We will strengthen our global market presence based on sustainable bio materials.” Hyun-Joon Cho, chairman of Hyosung announces major investment in the bio business, embarking on future new business ventures. Hyosung TNC to Invest $1 Billion in Vietnam, Establishing a 200,000 Tons-a-Year Bio-BDO Plant On March 30th, Hyosung TNC received investment approval for the “Hyosung BDO Project” from the Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Government at the “Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province Vision Declaration and Investment Approval Ceremony” held in Phu My 2 Industrial Park in southern Vietnam. Hyosung TNC plans to proactively respond to the global materials market’s reorganization around sustainable products by investing $1 billion to establish multiple Bio-BDO production plants capable of producing 200,000 tons annually. BDO (Butanediol) is a chemical used as a raw material for PTMG, which is used to make spandex fiber. In addition to spandex (PTMG) fiber, BDO applications have expanded to include engineering plastics, biodegradable packaging, footwear soles, industrial compounds, and many other industries. Bio-BDO is manufactured by fermenting sugars derived from sugarcane, replacing traditional fossil raw materials such as coal by 100%. It is expected to attract a significant attention in the sustainable materials market. Geno’s proven technology enables Hyosung TNC to fast track their project and unlocks the production and selling of Bio-BDO with an annual capacity of 50,000 tons in the first half of 2026. From Raw Material to Fiber, Hyosung TNC Establishes the World’s First Fully-Integrated Production System for Bio-Spandex With this investment, Hyosung TNC has secured the largest bio-spandex factory in Vietnam. Notably, it is the first in the world to establish a vertically integrated production system for bio-spandex, from raw material to fiber. Hyosung TNC will produce Bio-BDO at its factory in southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, manufacture PTMG at a nearby factory in Dong Nai, in the south of Ho Chi Minh City, and then use this to mass-produce regenTM BIO spandex at the Dong Nai Spandex factory. The integrated production system for bio-spandex is optimized for customers in the global sustainable textiles market, including brands and retailers in Asia, Europe and the United States. This system enhances production efficiency through a stable raw material supply and allows for swift responses to market needs by speeding up production system operations. Additionally, it ensures cost competitiveness through reduced transportation costs and alleviates environmental impact by saving the fuel used for transportation. Powered by Geno, The Sustainable Source™ and the GENOTM BDO™ technology, accelerating the Materials Transition in partnership with Geno’s already proven at commercial scale technology Hyosung TNC recently formed a technology partnership with Geno, a US sustainable materials and technology leader, whereby it has taken licenses to the GENOTM BDO technology. Geno is a biotechnology leader of the Materials Transition and their technology enables greater supply chain resilience, performance, and sustainability impact for many of the world’s largest brands and suppliers. For more than two decades, Geno has been scaling technology to enable the production of sustainable materials derived from plant- or waste-based feedstocks instead of fossil fuels. They have already commercialized sustainable alternatives to commonly used ingredients and materials across several industries including beauty, apparel, automotive, home care including lululemon, Unilever, Kao and L’Oréal. Geno BDO™ technology was commercialized in 2016. Since then, Geno has continued to scale its technology across EU, US, and now Asia markets. This fully proven and transformative process technology offers an estimated 90% carbon avoidance (which is the order of magnitude of avoiding 10 tons/Co2 for every 1 ton of Co2) and competitive economics compared to conventional coal based BDO in the market. Globally, more than 2.5 million tons of BDO are produced annually. If all BDO was produced using GenoTM BDO technology, over 14 million tons of greenhouse gases per year would be avoided, the equivalent of taking 3 million cars off the road. Hyosung TNC anticipates contributing to the expansion of the white biotechnology market by transforming key raw materials in the chemical industry into sustainable alternatives based on its Bio-BDO business. Recognizing the sustainability of regenTM BIO spandex, Hyosung TNC secured the ISCC+ international certification, a global sustainability and carbon certification system, in 2023. In 2022, it also obtained the SGS certification, verifying that it manufactured bio-spandex partly using renewable raw materials to replace petroleum-based ingredients. Chairman Hyun-Joon Cho: “Targeting the Global Market with Sustainable Bio Materials” Hyun-Joon Cho, chairman of Hyosung, stated, “The bio business, which transforms conventional fossil raw materials into eco-friendly ones, will become a core pillar of Hyosung for the next 100 years. We will enhance Hyosung’s premium brand status by strengthening our global sustainable market penetration based on our consistent production system of Bio-BDO and Bio Spandex.” Since the late 2000s, Chairman Cho has been closely monitoring the rapid reorganization of the global textile market, especially in Europe and the Americas, towards sustainable products and has consistently directed Hyosung TNC to respond in an agile manner. As environmental regulations, including carbon taxes, become stricter in global markets in such areas as Europe and the Americas, the textile and fashion market is evolving, and survival without certified sustainable products is becoming virtually impossible. As the value consumption of sustainable products increases, especially among Millennials and GenZers, chemical companies’ marketing efforts to promote a sustainable brand image are expanding significantly. To achieve this, the company plans to lead the sustainable market by continuing to collaborate with major global customers and chemical brands to introduce functional, sustainable products utilizing Bio-BDO. Hyosung TNC to expand sustainable textile sales to over 20% by 2030 regenTM BIO has been recognized as an innovative product that is changing the trend of the sustainable fashion and textile industry by using natural resources as raw materials, minimizing resource consumption and environmental pollution. As of this year, the global sustainable textile and fashion market is valued at approximately $23 billion, with an average annual growth rate exceeding 12.5%. It is expected to grow about $75 billion by 2030, including upstream and downstream businesses. Hyosung TNC plans to increase the sales volume of sustainable spandex, which currently accounts for 4% of its total spandex sales, to about 20% by 2030, more than fivefold from now. About Hyosung TNC Hyosung TNC is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung TNC is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its CREORA® Spandex and regenTM brands. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Hyosung is a proud Textile Exchange Partner-level Member and Ocean Protection member. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates. Hyosung TNC can also be found on Instagram @hyosung_textiles and on LinkedIn at Hyosung Performance Textiles. About Geno Geno (Genomatica, Inc.) is harnessing biology to remake everyday products and accelerate the sustainable materials transition. In response to the urgent climate crisis, Geno is developing and scaling sustainable materials derived from plant- or waste-based feedstocks instead of fossil fuels. Geno’s technology, built over the last 20 years, now commercializes and scales sustainable alternatives to commonly used ingredients and materials across several industries including beauty, apparel, automotive, home and personal care, packaging and functional foods and beverages. Geno is partnering with world-leading brands including lululemon, Unilever, Kao and L’Oréal. To learn more, visit genomatica.com.
Hyosung Presents New FW 25/26 Textile Trends
Climate change, cost of living increase, and back to nature movement influence forecast To continually deliver creative innovation and sustainable textile solutions across the entire value chain, Hyosung’s Fashion Design Center (FDC), an interactive fashion studio that spans the U.S., Europe, and Asia surveying progressive brands and retailers researching consumer insights, has released its forecasted FW 25/26 Textile Trend report, which provides a vision of the key materials major apparel brands will be incorporating into their collections next year. The global climate change and cost of living crisis is a key influence in FDC’s FW 25/26 Textile Trend report. It’s supported by the back to nature movement where consumers are doing what they can to protect the earth by choosing apparel made with natural/bio-based textiles. According to Gary Oh, Team/General Manager, Hyosung FDC, consumers are seeking long-lasting, multi-function apparel made with planet-friendly materials to reduce harmful carbon emissions, and thermally-regulated products to help lower home energy expenses. With this insight in mind, FDC predicts the three following themes for apparel made with Hyosung’s broad range of CREORA® and certified sustainable regen brands of spandex, performance nylon and polyester yarns. - Minimal for Future: Consumers will be more mindful of choosing seasonless, genderless and ageless apparel that can be used for multiple purposes; thermal-regulating pieces for saving energy; and apparel made with blends of natural fibers blended with bio-based synthetics, which are detailed in the theme’s three sub-trends - All-Round Basics, Thermal Resilience, and Nature Power. - Well-Being Theory: Soft surroundings and comfort-feeling that helps to enhance wellness is in the spotlight for the FW 25/26 season. Apparel with barely-there feel along with refined textures will be popular as reflected in the theme’s Body-Hugging Softness, Comfy Stretch, and Reimagined Ribs sub-trends. - Conscious Preparation: Consumers continue to enjoy time in nature for all the lovely benefits it provides. Thus, they need earth-friendly, multi-functional apparel that can withstand whatever shifting weather conditions Mother Nature decides to bring on. Sub-trends within this theme include The Sweat Life, Mindful Explorer, and Lightweight Adventure. More detailed information on FDC’s FW 25/26 Textile Trends will be presented in a weekly Trend Byte series featured on the Hyosung Performance Textiles Creativity Inspired blog beginning February 21, 2024. About Hyosung Hyosung is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its CREORA Spandex and regen brands. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates. Hyosung can also be found on Instagram @hyosung_textiles and on LinkedIn at Hyosung Performance Textiles.
Vitamin A Debuts New Swimwear Collection made with Certified Sustainable Material
Planet-friendly swimwear brand helps to clean up oceans with new ReLux line made from ghost fishing nets Vitamin A, a California-based swimwear brand that combines feminine design with sustainable innovation, is the first company to launch a swimwear collection made with a new 100% recycled fabric developed by Hyosung and Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing. The new sustainable swimwear collection called ReLux launched January 29, 2024. Hyosung and Hung Yen introduced their successful sustainable textile innovation – a swimwear fabric made from an 80/20 blend of Hyosung GRS-certified regen Ocean 100% post-consumer nylon made from discarded fishing nets, and RCS-certified 100% recycled regen Spandex – during Interfilière Paris last summer. According to an independent 3rd party Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), the manufacture of 1 kg regen Ocean nylon reduces CO2 emissions by 73% and water consumption by 98% as compared to production of 1 kg of conventional nylon. “We wanted to support the development of this new material and we thought that the Vitamin A customer would be most likely to understand why it was important,” says Mark Sunderland, VP of product innovation at Swim USA, parent company of Vitamin A. “Our customers want to know that their swimwear is not harming the planet – and with our ReLux line, we’re offering them a product that actively improves the health of our oceans.” Founded in 2000 by California native Amahlia Stevens, all Vitamin A bikinis and bodysuits are designed and produced locally in California from plant-based and recycled materials. As a proud member of 1% for the Planet, the company gives back to organizations who work to protect the oceans. “Vitamin A has ranked among the top five sustainable swimwear brands for the past three years,” said Claudia Anselmi, Hung Yen General Director. “Given its commitment to sustainable production and the protection of our oceans, we are glad Vitamin A has attentively selected our fabric – N850 FishTale – that is entirely focused on marine preservation for its new ReLux collection.” “Vitamin A exemplifies the fusion of sustainability and style, demonstrating that eco-friendly fashion can effortlessly inspire and enable positive environmental choices among consumers” said Laura Nilo, Hyosung US Marketing Manager - West Coast Lead. “It’s an ideal brand for commercializing our 100% recycled fabric for swimwear, and we look forward to furthering our collaboration with regards to sustainable textile solutions.” More information about the new Vitamin A ReLux collection of bikinis and one-piece swimsuits can be found online here. About Hyosung Hyosung is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex/elastane supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its CREORA® and regen Spandex brand. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates. About Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing is an Italian warp-knit fabric manufacturer, part of the European textile producer leader Carvico Group. Established in the Northern province of Hung Yen, Vietnam since 2008 it drawn the path of a successful textile business model in less than 15 years, for the production of Nylon and Polyester elastomeric fabrics for swimwear, sportswear, and underwear. Driven by ethical corporate values – focused on environmental protection and to enable circularity in fashion – Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing changed the gear of its R&D activity since 2016, having today already 70% of its fabric’s collections made with 100% recycled materials for a complete range of sustainable and certified solutions, for swimwear and sportswear applications. Efficiency and Italian technical know-how, combined with high quality standards and agility to adapt to market demands, are some of the keys of Hung Yen Knitting & Dyeing successful growth and the foundation of its established cooperation with notable global brands. About Vitamin A (on Pepperjam (link here), Skimlinks) Vitamin A is a California-based brand known best for its fusion of style and functionality, cutting edge fabrics, attention to detail and keen eye for flattering pieces with a focus on sustainability. Vitamin A is the gold standard in the modern swim space with sustainable innovation at its core, and has been setting the bar for sustainable swim since they debuted the first recycled swim fabric, Ecolux™, in 2010. Now that recycled swim fabric is (thankfully) industry standard, the brand continues to innovate. Think: bikinis made from castor beans and discarded plastic bottles. Vitamin A is effortless, elevated, and rooted in an authentic California-inspired ethos, resulting in a cult following from A-List celebrities and tastemakers alike.
Hyosung Furthers its Certified Sustainable Denim Textile and Sourcing Solutions
Expanded regen Bio-Based spandex and global sourcing strategies presented at Kingpins NYC January 18, 2024: Seoul, South Korea – Anticipating the denim industry’s focus on agile global supply chain and sourcing strategies, in addition to more diverse and certified sustainable textile offerings, Hyosung is looking forward to introducing its 2024 sustainable textile and sourcing solutions for denim at Kingpins NYC, booth #12, January 24-25th at Basketball City. According to Hyosung, the strategic emphasis on global sourcing for the denim industry is expected to play a crucial role, emphasizing the efficient utilization of resources from different regions to acquire the best raw materials. Furthermore, the procurement of sustainable materials and the adoption of ethical production processes are considered essential. The ability to swiftly adapt to the ever-changing landscape of consumer trends is crucial. “Sourcing is set to be a pivotal factor in defining the strategic priorities of the denim industry in 2024,” said Simon Hong, Hyosung Global Marketing Lead – Denim. “Ranging from global sourcing practices and agile supply chain strategies to sustainability considerations, these elements are anticipated to collectively shape the industry’s trajectory and achievements this year. We are fortunate to fulfill many of these requirements with a global manufacturing footprint, strong mill partner relationships, and an extensive portfolio of certified sustainable textile offerings.” Furthering its commitment to continuous innovation and providing sustainable solutions for diverse needs across the denim value chain, Hyosung will introduce a unique offering of certified sustainable materials that make denim better at Kingpins NYC. · regen Bio-Based spandex – for jeans made with renewable resources Creating a more powerful, traceable sustainable story, Hyosung is expanding its regen Bio-Based spandex offering to include options for the yarn to be made with both 70% and 98% renewable resources. Hyosung was the first company to commercially introduce USDA and SGS-certified regen Bio-Based spandex made with 30% renewable resources in 2021, which has been successfully adopted by leading global brands. According to an independent 3rd party LCA, the manufacture of 1kg regen Bio-Based spandex reduces its carbon footprint by 20% as compared to the production 1kg of conventional spandex. · regen Spandex – for jeans made with 100% recycled materials In 2020, Hyosung introduced RCS-certified, 100 percent recycled regen® Spandex made from reclaimed production waste. Since then, leading denim brands and retailers have adopted the fiber to offer a completely recycled product to consumers. · CREORA 3D Max spandex – for recyclable jeans Circularity is top of mind and denim brands and mills are following Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Jeans Redesign guidelines for recyclable denim. Among its guidelines is a requirement that denim be made with a minimum of 98 percent cellulosic material leaving 2 percent of the content for stretch or synthetic material – a challenge for Jeans Redesign participants as consumers are accustomed to high stretch and comfort. Hyosung’s CREORA 3D Max spandex delivers high-performance stretch and recovery with a very small portion of spandex content uniquely allowing the garment to be recycled. Hyosung has expanded its CREORA 3D Max spandex offering to include more sustainable and functional versions of the fiber that match the same performance and recyclability benefits as conventional CREORA 3D Max spandex. They include new USDA and SGS-certified regen Bio-Based 3D Max spandex, RCS-certified, 100% recycled regen 3D Max spandex made from reclaimed production waste, and CREORA Easy 3D Max spandex that provides soft power with excellent stretch and recovery. About Hyosung Hyosung is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its CREORA® Spandex brand. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates. Hyosung can also be found on Instagram @hyosung_textiles and on LinkedIn at Hyosung Performance Textiles.
ASRV and Hyosung Collaborate on Activewear Brand’s New 2023 Winter Collection
ASRV and Hyosung Collaborate on Activewear Brand’s New 2023 Winter Collection Introducing new advanced cold weather base-layer apparel designed for long-lasting freshness January 15, 2024 – Seoul, South Korea – Always in search of the most advanced textiles to surprise and anticipate consumer needs, California-based ASRV, a premium, technical activewear brand that pushes the bounds of performance and style, has adopted Hyosung’s CREORA® Aerosilver technology into its newly released 2023 Winter collection. CREORA® Aerosilver is a functional polyester yarn that contains silver ions built into the fiber, which inhibits the proliferation and growth of microorganisms or bacteria harmful to the human body, providing long-lasting freshness. ASRV, a men’s-only brand recognized for incorporating unseen technology to enhance their apparel, has chosen CREORA® Aerosilver as a key performance ingredient for its Winter 2023 Collection of Tech-Terry™, Nano-Mesh, and Silver-Lite™ apparel to include hoodies, cargo joggers, sweats, tees, and shirts. “ASRV is an innovative brand that is passionate about delivering only the best apparel when it comes to design, performance, comfort, and style in the activewear space,” said Laura Nilo, Hyosung US Marketing Manager – West Coast Lead. “We are thrilled to have collaborated on its Winter 2023 collection and look forward to furthering our partnership. ASRV is continually innovating to bring fresh new performance aesthetics by adopting more Hyosung multi-function fibers in future seasons.” The vast majority of ASRV’s products are developed by its manufacturing and production team in South Korea, where they take part in a longstanding cultural tradition of premium craftsmanship. South Korea also has many specialized fabric mills, where ASRV can work with the teams to develop its custom technical materials and collaborating closely with Hyosung is the reason ASRV is able to innovate such unique products while maintaining its rigorous standards. More information about the ASRV 2023 Base Layer Collection with CREORA® Areosilver can be found online here. About ASRV ASRV – All Season Recreation Versatility – is a collective of athletes, designers, entrepreneurs, and creatives, but the thing that ties us all together is our obsession with getting more – out of our minds, our bodies, and our lives. The category of activewear was originally created for the person seeking a championship or some form of external achievement. We view these as potential side effects of our efforts, but not the ultimate goal. We exist for the individual who relentlessly chases the next challenge, in search of that beautiful place between pressure and ability, where we find our deepest sense of purpose. https://asrv.com/ About Hyosung Hyosung is a complete sustainable textile solutions provider that produces world-class products, providing continuous innovation to the textile industry. Hyosung is the world’s largest manufacturer of spandex/elastane supplying the broadest range of stretch fiber offerings supported by exceptional technology and quality under its creora® spandex/elastane brand. Hyosung’s specialty nylon and polyester provide functional and sustainable fiber solutions that are essential to today’s dynamic textile market. Visit our blog at blog.hyosungtnc.com for all the latest trend, event, and product updates.